About Us
Natasha and Claire Wilson are sisters farming with their parents, Brian and Nancy Wilson, outside West Chester, Iowa, about 40 minutes south of Iowa City.
Brian and Nancy have farmed together on Nancy’s home place since 1982. They both grew up on Iowa farms and have spent the last 40+ years learning how to care for animals and land and produce great food. Nancy is fabulous at cooking for a crowd and serves as the resident chicken lady and voice of reason on the farm. Brian can fix anything, loves trying new farming practices, and is great at creative problem solving and giving new life to old junk.

Natasha studied International Studies at The University of Iowa and had a diverse career before she started farming. She spent many years studying and working around Iowa and in Chile, St. Louis, Tanzania, Arkansas, and Washington, DC, before moving back to the farm in 2019. She loves reading, cooking local food, and learning the millions of things required to run a diversified farm. She receives encouragement and food reviews from her husband and three young children.
Claire is a social worker with an aptitude for mechanical jobs and a passion for all things animals and outdoors. She returned to the farm in 2023 and enjoys caring for the animals and assisting Brian with creative farm projects. She loves plants, foraging, hiking, reading, biking, and scheming up ways she could live by the farm pond.
We love combining our different skills to pursue our dream at West Fork Farmstead: building a sustainable, pasture-based farm to provide nourishing, high-quality food for our community and to care for our animals and land well.
More about us:
Feb. 15, 2024: Des Moines Register - New ag census highlights challenges for mid-size Iowa farmers
Nov. 24, 2023 - Southeast Iowa Union - Winter prep looks different on pasture-based farms
Nov. 21, 2023 - The News - West Fork Farmstead: Your friendly neighborhood egg delivery
Aug. 20, 2023 - The Gazette - Converting a Traditional Family Farm
July 26, 2023 - The News - Having a Field Day
July 5, 2020 - Southeast Iowa Union - All in the Family
March 27, 2020 - WFF blog - Introducing West Fork Farmstead